الموروث من الخدمات و مظاهر الترفيه من خلال مناظر السوق فى مصر القديمة The Legacy of Services and Entertainment through Ancient Egyptian Market scenes

نوع المستند : المقالات العلمية.


أ. م. د. الإرشاد السياحى بالمعهد العالي للدراسات النوعية بمصر الجديدة


كان السوق فى مصر القديمة  أكثر من مجرد مكان لشراء وبيع السلع الأساسية اليومية. لقد كانت مناسبة احتفالية جمعت الناس معًا للمشاركة في مجموعة متنوعة من الأنشطة. كانت الحلاقة والختان وتدليك اليدين والساقين والظهر من الأنشطة الشائعة في الأسواق في القرى المصرية ولعبت دورًا مهمًا في حياة القرية في مصر المعاصرة.
تهدف تلك الدراسة الى استكشاف خصائص الترفيه في السوق بين مصر القديمة والمعاصرة. وسوف يسلط الضوء على استمرارية خصائص الترفيه والتسلية في السوق على طول الخط الزمني لمصر. اعتمدت المنهجية المستخدمة على تحليل مشاهد السوق المصري خلال عصر الدولة القديمة.
The Ancient Egyptian marketplace was more than just a place to buy and sell daily stables; it was festive occasion that brought people together to engage in a variety of activities. Barbering, circumcision, and massage of the hands, legs, and back were among the activities that were common at market in Egyptian villages and played a significant role in village life in contemporary Egypt.
This study attempts to explore the characteristics of entertainment at the market between ancient and Contemporary Egypt. It will shed the light on the continuity of characteristics of leisure and entertainment in the market along the timeline of Egypt. The methodology used was based on analyzing ancient Egyptian market scenes from the Old Kingdom.
Keywords: Market, Entertainment, Beverages, Ancient Egypt, Contemporary Egypt.
The marketplace was more than just a place to buy and sell daily stables; it was festive occasion that brought people together to engage in a variety of activities. Barbering, circumcision, and massage of the hands, legs, and back were among the activities that were common at market in Egyptian villages and played a significant role in village life in contemporary Egypt.
There are several inherited features from ancient Egyptian market that has a great impact on contemporary Egyptian daily life market. This is considered as a rich material for Egyptian intangible cultural heritage

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